Jenis-jenis Demolition Charge Pindad adalah :
DCT 60 : DEMOLITION CHARGE - Shape : Cylinder - Length : 53mm - Diameter : 31.4 mm - Detonator's hole : 6.8 mm - Depth Detonator's hole: 37 mm - Cover : Kraft paper - Coated : White Paraffin - Weight : 60 gr CHARACTERISTIC - Perfection of Explosions TNT soaked in water in depth of 5 cm during 24 hours, then exploded one by one using no.6 detonator. TNT have to burst perfection (no TNT which remain) - Strength of Explosions TNT insert to pine wood diameter 15cm, then install no.6 detonator and exploded TNT should be able to cut pine wood
DCT 75 : DEMOLITION CHARGE - Shape : Cylinder - Length : 66 mm - Diameter : 31.4 mm - Detonator's hole : 6.8 mm - Depth Detonator's hole: 35 mm - Cover : Kraft paper - Coated : White Paraffin - Weight : 75 gr CHARACTERISTICen - Perfection of Explosions TNT soaked in water in depth of 5 cm during 24 hours, then exploded one by one using no.6 detonator. TNT have to burst perfection (no TNT which remain) - Strength of Explosions TNT insert to pine wood diameter 17cm, then install no.6 detonator and exploded TNT should be able to cut pine wood
DCT 100 : DEMOLITION CHARGE - Shape : Cylinder - Length : 88 mm - Diameter : 31.4 mm - Detonator's hole : 6.8 mm - Depth Detonator's hole: 35 mm - Cover : Kraft paper - Coated : White Paraffin - Weight : 100 gr CHARACTERISTICen - Perfection of Explosions TNT soaked in water in depth of 5 cm during 24 hours, then exploded one by one using no.6 detonator. TNT have to burst perfection (no TNT which remain) - Strength of Explosions TNT insert to pine wood diameter 20cm, then install no.6 detonator and exploded TNT should be able to cut pine wood
DCT 130 : DEMOLITION CHARGE - Shape : Cylinder - Length : 111.5 mm - Diameter : 31.4 mm - Detonator's hole : 6.8 mm - Depth Detonator's hole: 37 mm - Cover : Kraft paper - Coated : White Paraffin - Weight : 130 gr CHARACTERISTICen - Perfection of Explosions TNT soaked in water in depth of 5 cm during 24 hours, then exploded one by one using no.6 detonator. TNT have to burst perfection (no TNT which remain) - Strength of Explosions TNT insert to pine wood diameter 22cm, then install no.6 detonator and exploded TNT should be able to cut pine wood
DCT 160 : DEMOLITION CHARGE - Shape : Cylinder - Length : 136 mm - Diameter : 31.4 mm - Detonator's hole : 6.8 mm - Depth Detonator's hole : 37 mm - Cover : Kraft paper - Coated : White Paraffin - Weight : 160 gr CHARACTERISTIC - Perfection of Explosions TNT soaked in water in depth of 5 cm during 24 hours, then exploded one by one using no.6 detonator. TNT have to burst perfection (no TNT which remain) - Strength of Explosions TNT insert to pine wood diameter 24cm, then install no.6 detonator and exploded TNT should be able to cut pine wood
DCT 225 : DEMOLITION CHARGE - Shape : Block - Length : 52 mm - Diameter : 41.4 mm - Detonator's hole : 6.8 mm - Depth Detonator's hole : 37 mm - Cover : Kraft paper - Coated : White Paraffin - Weight : 225 gr CHARACTERISTIC - Perfection of Explosions TNT soaked in water in depth of 5 cm during 24 hours, then exploded one by one using no.6 detonator. TNT have to burst perfection (no TNT which remain) - Strength of Explosions TNT insert to pine wood diameter 11cm, then install no.6 detonator and exploded TNT should be able to cut pine wood